1: 以下、ニュー速クオリティでお送りします 2022/09/03(土) 13:03:13.92 ID:5Tol0gCJ0 Dr. Gutlapalli Dheeraj MD @GutlapalliRaja
The lord of the rings is sacred ground, It should be treated as such.
Political correctness is for politics, Social Problems are for Society….
But Middle Earth is a place where none of those things matter.
The Legendarium must be preserved as Tolkien intended…..
Umut @etyiyemeyenork
I am not racist. There is a racism for white people.
They kill TV shows and movies in the name of political correctness.
We can't be silent about this. I have lots of black friends and they agree with me.
引用元: ・https://eagle.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/livejupiter/1662177793/続きを読む