1 : [sage] :2020/11/12(木) 14:55:48.68 ID:FEZTCDke0デ・ブラジオの娘が口を滑らせ、バイデンが「選挙を盗むことができた」と主張De Blasio’s Daughter in Verbal Slip Up, Claims Biden “Was Able to Steal” Electionhttps://summit.news/2020/11/11/de-blasios-daughter-in-verbal-slip-up-claims-biden-was-able-to-steal-election/De Blasio followed up by saying that Biden stole the election, before correcting herself.“Joe Biden was able to steal…steal no, was able to win,” she said before apologizing.Given what happened, maybe de Blasio was right the first time.The 25-year-old has become a prominent left-wing activist and she was arrested back in May during a George Floyd protest.動画https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1326284574029197329/pu/vid/720x512/uxqziLhtUKrG90nS.mp4転載元スレッド:http://hayabusa3.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/news/1605160548/